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Long Nails Care Tips For Women

As you know that our  body part Nails are the most desirable part of the body. While you take care of your nails effectively your fingers look truly attractive and well shaped. However it is really difficult to care of long. Your care is based on the type of  you have. Those people who have really weak nails they need to take more care.
To take care of your them there are several home care tips are offered here . You should follow these helpful suggestions and ideas . That  are given below .

Drink lot of water-

Drink not less than 10 to 12 glasses of water which will provide moisture to your skin and naills .
All these are the points which can help in long nails care. You definitely need to very careful in case of these. When they are damage then it will take very long time to get cure and it is lengthy process of treatment method when it comes to it.

Use Strengtheners-

Nails are very soft and delicate part. They can very easily break when not strengthen properly. Therefore always use Nail Strengthens especially when you have really weak nails.

Fatty acid is needed for them-

Eat lot of almonds and fish and observe the improvement that will be clearly visual on your nails.

Always cover when doing washing, gardening etc -

You must always cover your when they come in contact with water, dust or maybe detergent. These things might result in damage to your nails. Therefore always wear gloves while you doing washing, Gardening or maybe cleaning.


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